職種/仕事内容 |
仕事内容 *ホスピタリティを活かしたい方歓迎!接客へのチャレンジ応援 Support for the challenge of customer service *無償の日本語ワークブックあり!ビジネスシーンの会話が身に付く Free Japanese workbook available! Acquire conversation skills for business situations. *社宅(安い費用で利用可能)・昼食と夕食、Wi-Fiも無料で暮らし安心 Company housing (available at low price), We provide free lunch and dinner, and free Wi-Fi. *旅館の接客を通して日本文化・マナーを学ぶ Learn Japanese culture and manners through customer service at Ryokan.
You will be responsible for customer service as a hotel receptionist. The facilities where we work are located all over Japan, so you can work in many different places without getting bored.
|業務内容(Details)| ・チェックイン/チェックアウトの対応 Check-in and check-out. ・お客様のお見送りやお荷物運び Seeing off guests and carrying their luggages. ・フロント/ロビーでの接客 Customer service at the front desk and lobby. ・精算業務(チェックアウト時の会計) Check-out procedures. (accounting at check-out)
Other details may include bed-making, restaurant work, and lodging duties, depending on the skills and desires of the individual.
|1日の流れ(Daily Flow)| 9:00 チェックアウトの対応(お会計) Check out Assistance
10:00 お客様のお見送り・お荷物運び Guest Escort・Luggage Handling
12:00 チェックイン前の清掃・書類等準備 Cleaning・Documentation Preparation
14:00 お出迎え・チェックインの対応・部屋案内 Check in Assistance ・Room Guidance
18:00 電話対応・各部門への連絡・お客様対応・各部門のヘルプ Reservation support・Customer Assistance
19:00 翌日のチェックアウトの準備・書類整理 Preparation for the next day ・Document organization
ー 〇充実の福利厚生で安心して働く/Work with peace of mind with a full benefits package. 社会保険の完備や交通費支給、就労ビザ申請のサポートはもちろん、家族帯同も入社6ヶ月後から申請可能、生活面のサポートも充実しているのがシェルパ。寮は月の使用料が5,000円~7,000円で光熱費やWi-Fi代も無料です。昼食・夕食も無料で基本的な生活面のやりくりは心配無用!困ったことがあれば、いつでもご相談くださいね。
We provide social insurance, transportation expenses, and support for work visa application as well as living support. You can also apply to live with your family from 6 months after joining our company. Dormitory fees range from 5,000 to 7,000 yen per month and include utilities and free Wi-Fi. Lunch and dinner are also included, so there is no need to worry about basic living expenses! If you have any problems, please contact us anytime.
ー 〇「おもてなし」を学ぶ!手厚い研修制度/Learn "Omotenashi"! Generous training system. 基本業務の就労サポートのほか、お茶の作法や生け花など、日本の伝統文化についての研修を受けられる機会を設けています。
In addition to providing employment support for basic tasks, the program also offers opportunities to learn traditional Japanese culture such as tea ceremony etiquette and ikebana flower arrangement.
|1年間の新入社員研修(One year of training for new employees)| 座学、OJT、現地での研修を組み合わせて1年間行われます。3ヶ月ごとに適性検査・面談も行うので、今後の業務の方向性も一緒に考えていきましょう。現地研修は、以下の内容で構成されており、6ヶ月間実施した後、コンサルタントの基礎知識を学んでいきます。
The one-year program is a combination of classroom lectures, on-the-job training, and on-site training. Aptitude tests and interviews conducted every three months so that we can work together to determine the future direction of the business. On-site training consists of the following, which will be conducted for 6 months, after which you will learn the basic knowledge of consultants.
・フロント業務(Front desk operations) ・予約業務(Reservations) ・レストラン業務(Restaurant operations) ・商品企画(Merchandise planning) ・集客業務(Attracting customers) ・マーケティング業務(Marketing) など
From the second year onwards, while aiming to improve your skills in each job, you can expand your work as a team leader. You educate newcomers, support your supervisor, or participate in planning, proposals, and meetings, depending on your wishes. (Leader allowance is provided.) Eventually, you can work as an on-site executive or at the head office to support the inn and hotel industry.